December 15, 2009

Take Advantage of Financial Aid Workshops

Posted in FAFSA, The Financial Aid Process tagged , , at 1:52 PM by plusloans

The 2010-2011 FAFSA will be available after January 1st. That is just two weeks away! If you are the parent of a high school senior it is important for you to take some time out of your schedule to learn about financial aid and how to properly fill out the FAFSA.

Mistakes on the FAFSA can cost you thousands of dollars in financial aid. If you have lingering questions about how it works make sure you talk to people who have been through it or financial aid experts. Luckily, this is the time of year when high school and communities hold financial aid workshops to help families of prospective college students understand the process better.

Contact you child’s high school guidance department to find out when they are holding a workshop. After you attend you will feel a lot more confident about the process and ready to help your child obtain financial aid for college.