March 10, 2009

New Sec. of Education to Schools: Start spending; keep receipts!

Posted in Legislation Affecting Students, Misc, Student Loan News tagged , , , at 7:02 AM by Joe From Boston

According to the New York Times, Arne Duncan, the new Secretary of Education is jumping in with both feet:

“Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, sent a message to the nation’s school officials last week: Heads up! We’ll be sending you billions of dollars by month’s end. Spend the money quickly but wisely. And keep receipts; we’ll be asking.

The message, which went out Friday in documents e-mailed to governors, state education commissioners and thousands of school superintendents, provided the first broad guidelines for how the Education Department intends to channel $100 billion to the nation’s 14,000 school districts over the next few months. The expenditure is part of the Obama administration’s economic stimulus package.”

Looks like our schools will have a small repreive in the near future, but they better spend it well or they will be held accountable!